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ECO journal (ECOnomics and industrial Engineering)

2019 year, number 2

Economic Growth and Investment Activity in Russia: Forecasts and Reality

A. V. Novikov1, I. Ya. Novikova2
a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";s:4:"TEXT";s:123:"1Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Мanagement
2Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking";}
Keywords: рост ВВП, инклюзивный рост, валовое накопление, валовое сбережение, инвестиции в основной капитал, финансовые вложения, потенциал инвесторов, GDP growth, inclusive growth, gross accumulation, gross saving, investments in fixed capital, financial investments, potential of investors


The article analyzes the possibility of economic growth in Russia on the basis of potential of its investors. It is shown that gross domestic product (GDP) is still the main indicator reflecting economic growth. However, the conditions for transition to the Inclusive Development Index (IDI) as an indicator of economic growth are being formed. The revealed features of investment activity of organizations reflect the assessment of risk appetite, dynamics and structure of investments in fixed assets. Analysis of investment objectives and sources of financing of investments in fixed assets allowed determining the dynamics of importance of these indicators and recommendations for the use of financial investments of organizations. For this purpose, the relations between investments in fixed capital and financial investments of companies are determined. The place and role of separate financial instruments (equity and debt) for financing investments in fixed capital are investigated. On the example of individual investors (population) a detailed analysis of the population as an investor from the standpoint of investment preferences for financial instruments, which allowed to clarify the financial potential of this type of investors.