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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 4


A.A. Medentsev1, I.V. Cherdantseva2, A.V. Cherniaykin1
1Tomsk Institute of Retraining and Agribusiness, Tomsk, the Russian Federation
2Tomsk Agricultural Institute, Tomsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: основная программа профессионального обучения, профессиональные компетенции сельскохозяйственного рабочего, трудовые операции, технологическое оборудование, содержание профессионального обучения, формы профессионального обучения, методы профессионального обучения, демонстрационный экзамен, управление интегрированной моделью профессионального обучения, principal professional training program, professional competences of agricultural workers, job, equipment, content of professional training, forms of professional training, methods of professional training, demonstration exam, management of integrated professional training


The paper explores the issues related to professional training of agricultural specialists in integrated educational and industrial environment. The authors analyze current requirements to the content, forms and methods of professional training. The article considers scientific approaches to development and design of content of professional training in integrated educational and industrial environment. The authors explain the importance of advanced, activity-based, integral, competency-based, module and education approaches in building the system of professional training. The authors focus on formation of positive motivation and valuable attitude to agriculture in integrated educational and industrial environment. The paper describes the forms of teaching that contribute to integrated professional training in the institution and agricultural enterprises. The authors specify the functions of education actors at the stages of planning and implementation of professional training. The article shows the areas of teachers’ and tutors’ responsibilities in institutions and agricultural enterprises. The authors specify the components of studying days, teaching methods that take into account specific features of professional training in integrated education and industrial environment: project method, method of working plans, method of administration, method of learning through action and method of developing cooperation. The article explains specific features of applying the methods in order to define the level of professional competencies and their components, especially practical experience. Following the requirements of professional and educational standards, the authors designed the practical guidance on organization and implementation of integrated professional training. They point out the principles of administration seen as system and integrity; objectivity and completeness of information; focus on the purpose and objectives of professional training that reflect the requirements developed by professional school in cooperation with the enterprise. The authors speak about lifelong improvement of education quality and conditions for this; involvement of stakeholders, teachers and students in administration process of integrated model of professional training and polysubjectivity of consumer. Considering the principles mentioned above, the authors designed a draft scheme for integrated professional training and administration functions for each component of the scheme.