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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 4


V.A. Korytkov1, A.V. Leopa2
1Military unit 71592, Yekaterinburg, the Russian Federation
2Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: военный специалист, военно-профессиональная деятельность, профессиональная адаптация, адаптированность к профессиональной деятельности, компоненты адаптированности, критерии, параметры, military specialist, military professional activity, professional adaptation, professional activity adaptation, adaptation components, criteria, parameters


The article explores the problem of the adaptation of military specialists to professional activity in process of military training as a result of their professional adaptation. The research explores the concept of adaptation. The authors speak about objective and subjective factors that determine the process of adaptation of prospective military specialists. The article considers the adaptation of military specialists to professional activity as a system; it investigates the main components as well. The authors analyzed psychological and pedagogical proceedings of national and foreign scientists, and systemized the concept «adaptation». They formulated the concept «adaptation of the military specialist to professional activity» as a result of professional adaptation as a system of formed military skills, important adaptive qualities and emotional-volitional characteristics of the individual, allowing them to successfully perform their duties in conditions of military service. The paper explores the main components of adaptation seen as the basis for determining the criteria and parameters for adaptation of military specialists to professional activities when being trained in military majors with specific application on practice. The authors elaborated the system of subjective and objective criteria for adaptation of military specialists. Subjective criteria related to various professionally important qualities of military specialists include motivation-value, emotional-volitional, content-cognitive criteria. As a criterion having an objective basis, an activity-behavioral criterion is proposed. The parameters of these criteria have been developed, which make it possible to objectively and comprehensively assess the results of the process of adapting military specialists to professional activity during their military occupational specialties training.