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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 4


M.R. Arpentieva1, S.V. Gridneva2, A.I. Tashcheva2
1Ugra State University, Khanty-Mansiysk, the Russian Federation
2South Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, the Russian Federation
Keywords: образование, бизнес, стандартизация, индивидуальность, смерть университета, компетентностный подход, education, business, standardization, individuality, university destruction, competency-based approach


The research aims at analyzing national education. Globalization as a cultural phenomenon assumes distribution of economic, legal, sociological, and other theories, including digital technologies, in the sphere of their application in science, art and education. Globalization aims at transmitting values, models of self-perception and world perception, as well as models of communication between countries considered to be carriers of universal human culture, «civilization» (Europe and the USA) into barbarian countries of the «second» and the «third» worlds. In the process of globalization, education is particularly evident. It moves from upbringing and training of Homo sapiens person to «training» of the specialist, Homo habilis, and, further, to the «formation» of the consumer, Homo consúmens, after which the formation of a «robot-resistant» person of service or Homo officialis. The latter is naturally supplemented by Homo dominus, the formation of which can be completely different, but, in general, is not a necessity: Unification of power, cephalization of control (mondialization) actually counteract development. Digital technologies are just a small part of the process. Destruction of traditional education at the university is associated with the fact that the modern university is outdated, unable to form a level of competence of students, sufficient to effectively solve problems in all areas of activity and in all specific situations. The author highlights that in a rapidly changing society, in which new fields of activity and new situations appear, training should be more dynamic. The purpose of such training in the university is seen in the formation of key competencies related to the chosen major and specifics of professional self-realization. Thus, instead of the supposed «expansion» and «dynamization», education narrows and becomes more and «stationary». Elements of scientific search, co-creativity, are withdrawn, replaced by the production of templates, allowing to achieve a state of competitiveness in relation to robots and technologies in general.