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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 4


M.I. Aldoshina
Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev, Orel, the Russian Federation
Keywords: поликультурность, поликультурное образование, этнокультурность, этнокультурный контекст, гуманистическая педагогика, субъект-субъектность, университет, multiculture, multicultural education, ethnoculture, ethnocultural context, humanistic pedagogics, subject subjectivity, university


The problem of professional specialist formation in University education arises in sociocultural situation of multicultural world. This year is specific for Vasiliy Sukhomlimskiy’s 100-anniversary, who was the famous and outstanding soviet teacher and scientist. This anniversary contributes to reconsidering and searching for new senses and meanings in traditional reading of his ideas. The paper explores ethno cultural aspects of national professional education in multiculture environment; she reviews education in the context of ethnical aspect as an activity on transmitting the knowledge (values, moral and ethical milestones, historical traditions etc.), concrete culture (ethno cultural context) but not some abstract cultural and historical experience (polyculture context). Current sociocultural situation in multinational Russia faces the problem of ethno cultural context in the content of professional education. Professional education guarantees preserving and transmitting of ethno cultural traditions following the fact that there is no ideal balance between poly ethics and ethno culture in sociocultural situation in Russia and Europe. The author specifies famous teachers of the past views on the problems of modern university education. The article aims at considering the theory and practical implementation of ethno cultural context of university education in the conditions of multicultural environment. The author explores multicultural education in university where the object of research is supposed to be hermeneutic aspects of pedagogical experience and knowledge of Vasiliy Sukhomlinskiy in multicultural education at university. The paper sees cultorological approach in the context of content competency-based approach requirements as a methodological basis. The article focuses on theoretical ideas of Vasiliy Sukhomlinskiy applied in practical training of personality in the soviet school and their transmitting to modern university education in polycentric world.