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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 4


S.M. Shuinshina1, E.A. Alpeisov1, K.K. Burunbetova2, A.A. Zhakupov1
1National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin, Kazakhstan, Astana
2Centre of excellence, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
Keywords: преемственность, целостность образования, учебные программы, обновление содержания образования, естественнонаучные дисциплины, continuity, continuity of education, curricula, reworking of the content of education, natural courses


The article considers the problems of ensuring the continuity of educational curricula for secondary, higher and postgraduate education on natural sciences based on the updated content of secondary education. At present, the Republic of Kazakhstan is upgrading the education system and the content of secondary education. In this regard, new state compulsory school standards, typical learning plans, and curricula have been developed. But these changes are not taking into account in educational programs of higher and postgraduate education to the full extent. Therefore, an absence of continuity in the contents of educational programs of secondary education and educational programs of higher and postgraduate education is evident which affects the quality of education system as a whole. The necessity of education continuity is institutionalized in the regulations and standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Typical general educational and professional learning programs are developed in accordance with the requirements of the State Compulsory Educational Standard, and working programs are developed on the basis of appropriate standard curricula. The article provides the rationale for reworking the curricula for training prospective teachers, taking into account the updated content of compulsory education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The paper uses typical curriculum of Physics and considers the aspect of continuity in regards to the principle of training continuity at different levels of education. The authors speak about urgent need to develop the national system of staff teaching and educating and revision of training programs for students of pedagogical universities-future teachers of general education organizations, in accordance with new requirements, is necessary at present time.