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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 4


R. Neudorfer1, E.A. Kapitonova2, A.V. Shindelov2
1Agroimpuls Bavaria, Munchen, Germany
2Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: зарубежные сельскохозяйственные стажировки и практики, будущий специалист АПК, специализация стажировок, совершенствование подготовки кадров, дуальное образование, международный опыт, internship abroad, prospective agribusiness specialist, internship profile, staff training improvement, dual education, international experience


Regional labour market faces the urgent need in specialists with higher agricultural education. Many young people do not see the opportunities for employment and career after graduating from agricultural institutions. Therefore, they don’t intend to enter agricultural higher institutions. Those students who graduated from agricultural institutions don’t work in the sphere of agriculture. Agricultural universities face the problem of making education more attractive, marketable and requested by the youth. The author see internships abroad as one of the criteria contributing to raising the attractiveness of agricultural education as the necessity in specialists with international experience arises in modern society. It leads to development of international cooperation among universities and opportunities for students to get practical experience abroad. The paper highlights the significance of agricultural internships abroad for students trained at agricultural institutions. The authors specify the goals, tasks of internships and their specific features. The paper explores the experience of Novosibirsk State Agrarian University in organizational support of these internships and describes agricultural internship in Bavaria (Germany) which is implemented under cooperation between NSAU and Agroimpuls Bavaria. The authors show statistical data for previous 15 years: the number of students who had internship in Bavaria, Faculties they are trained at, international programs they further applied to and the contribution of internship into their employment after graduation. The authors analyze the reports and reviews of 224 students who passed internship in Germany. The authors make conclusion about the role and significance of international internship for students and organization of agricultural internships at agricultural higher institutions.