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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 4


N.N. Krasnova
Gorno-Altai State University, Gorno-Altaisk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: правовое образование, права человека, глобальные трансформации прав человека, право-обязанное поведение личности, legal education, human rights, global transformations of human rights, law-obliged behavior of an individual


XXIst century faces the global sociospheric processes in which the problem of human rights is aggravated at the international and global levels, despite international legal instruments on human rights adopted in the mid-ХХ th century. The article aims at specifying the socio-cultural nature of international concept of human rights. The author explains specific features of this phenomenon at the international and global levels, the role of legal education in solving conflict situations. Dialectical methodology, system-based philosophical approach, comparative legal, socio-cultural research methods, integration of results. The legal principles that make the basis of international legal instruments on human rights are taken from the Western sociocultural and legal traditions. They assume either balancing legal mechanisms and contradictions inherent in a given culture in the area of human rights, forming the main vectors of changes and aspects of the given problem in the form of their three-dimensionality or «triad». These are: “the rights of the oppressed (minimal) - the formal universal equality of rights - the rights of imperious personalities (maximum)”. At the global level, two more vectors of extreme polarization of the problem are added. On the one hand, “total powerlessness of people in global processes”. On the other hand, “the lawlessness of persons endowed with global power”. Such global transformations in the field of human rights exacerbate relevant global issues. The main way to resolve contradictions is holistic, when the problem itself is put wider. It is: the problem of rights and the right to duty of a person in society - in the relevant social strata, at certain levels of social organization, taking into account the existing social and natural conditions. Such a formulation of the problem and its practical solution are impossible without a full-fledged legal education, in which the said concepts should form the basis and form a developed legal understanding and legal culture of the individual.