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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 4


S.G. Novikov
Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University, Volgograd, the Russian Federation
Keywords: общество знания, актор глобального развития, гипербуржуазия, дуалистический идеал, homocreator, knowledge society, global development actor, hyper-bourgeoisie, dualistic ideal


The article deals with the role of education as an instrument of preserving Russia as a global development actor. The author analysed the problem by means of methodology that includes global-stadial concepts (D. Bell, J.K. Galbraith, P.F. Drucker, M. Castells, K. Marx, etc.), I. Wallerstein's world-system analysis, and a system-holistic approach to education (V.S. Il'in, N.K. Sergeev, V.A. Slastenin and others).This scientific toolkit shows the way of mankind development, nature of the world; the paper proves the necessity of molding not a "specialist", but of a holistic personality. The author shows that the future of mankind and Russia mainly depends on whether the opportunities opened by new technologies will be used in the interests of the majority of the world's population or of hyper-bourgeoisie. In order not to be on the "roadside of history", Russian education should form the actor of "Resistance and Development". The basic values of this person are seen as freedom, justice. solidarity, and development. It is guided by post-materialistic motivation, has competencies that meet the challenges of the post-productive world, strives for creativity, focuses on a dualistic ideal (a combination of personal and social interests allows you to solve common problems without suppressing personal preferences). In the interests of forming the actor of "Resistance and Development" it is necessary to increase financial investments in the institute of education, to ensure its accessibility and quality, supporting talented children and their early development, to extend the research methods of education, focusing on the formation of a systemic vision of the world. The author highlights that education is not an "expense item", but a sphere of investing in the Future.