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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 4


V.I. Panarin1, O.V. Mamonov1, O.E. Puchkov2
1Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, the Russian Federation
2Public Chamber of Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, the Russian Federation
Keywords: глобализация, экономика знаний, образовательная парадигма, инновационное образование, подготовка кадров, интеграция, высшее профессиональное образование, модернизация, рынок образовательных услуг, образовательные программы, globalization, knowledge economy, educational paradigm, innovative education, staff training, integration, higher professional education, modernization, market of educational services, educational programs


Development of global education under the conditions of globalization is seen as a challenge to Russian education, which affects the development of national educational system. The impact factor is determined by the measures of the government, regional authorities, scientific-pedagogical community, business sector and studying people. The growth of economic, technological and humanitarian significance of knowledge, high competition in the knowledge and technology market have resulted in significant changes in higher education. Currently, the universities deal with innovative development of enterprises, science and research, application of the results obtained; the universities define cultural and human development of society. Globalization has brought together all areas of society into the tangle where hierarchical system of development has been transformed into the system where the priority is either functional and tensor and various activities became either super-level and sublevel; the subsytems and their elements became a complicated structure of relations. This globalist system can be imagery described as a system where every man is for himself; every man is for all people; all people are for every man and all people are for all people. The education has become either the consumer of the products produced by other branches of social development and the supplier of its own services. Finally, it has been segregated into specific branch of society with economic laws and producing specific features. National education should aim at development of regional education systems that create advanced technologies in all the branches of economy, integrate into the world educational space and influence its development by means of suggesting its own models of innovative education. The authors see the system-based approach to education system, its relation to other social activities and its aims as one of the instrument for building the models of innovative education in Russia. .