V.A. Koshel1, P. Pavlidis2
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, the Russian Federation 2Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: стратегические цели образования, субъект-субъектные отношения, педагогическое взаимодействие, социальный статус преподавателя, strategic goals of education, subject-subject relations, pedagogical interaction, social status of a teacher
High dynamics of social processes results in rather contradictory tendencies in the education system. These tendencies characterize the content of education and directions of its development in the transitional era. This era is seen as era of transformation of industrial capitalism into digital capitalism. The contradictory processes in education resulted from human transfer to digital civilization, reveal the serious crisis. The modern generation is against of training when the teacher is seen as a talking head and students are just passive listeners. The world Information treasury is seen as an “outside brain” and it is possible to connect anytime. You just need to know how to do it. This could appear not a complicated task whereas it is rather complicated to grasp the methodology of formation of creative thinking and to enhance the brain functions of students. The paper aims at revealing the key contradictions in modern education, which are determined by historic crucial point, changes in socio-economic development of civilization. Authors make case that development of productive forces and transformation of economy are very significant being determining factors of social changes and educational paradigms. Technological progress, applied sciences and innovative technologies become the determining factors of modern social production which specifies contradictory peculiarities in development of education system. The mission of modern education is seen as an opportunity for personal formation aimed at social progress.