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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 4


S.I. Chernykh, V.I. Parshikov
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: образование, субъект образовательного взаимодействия, управление образованием, обучение, воспитание, инверсии образовательного процесса, education, the subject of educational interaction, education, training, management of education, inversion of education


The paper aims at consideration of tactical ways of education development in Russia taking into account the concepts offered by the communities of specialists. The authors make case to figure out the common in the concepts, that could contribute to the breakthrough in educational policy and forward leading positions in education to the Russian Federation. The methodology of research is based on the structural and functional analysis of various sources, that specify educational strategies in the developed countries and in Russia. Materials and discussion. Russia’s entering the VI technological mode, formation of digital economy, technological social sphere have resulted in formation of new meanings and values of education. This has changed its landmarks and focused on individual learning. Critical thinking, creativity, cognitive and cross-discipline skills, cooperation and a complex problem solving have appeared instead of fundamentalism as a new basis for teaching and education. New basis has changed the nature and amount of formal and non-formal educational technologies, making the Government and civil society, seen as the subjects of interactions, to renew old models of education management and create the new ones. This process is supposed to require analysis of the global synergetic effect that has arisen from the total integration of earlier separated social systems. «New» education requires «new» control; «new» management assumes formation of new ecosystem of training and upbringing as they are closely connected within education. Conclusions. The contradiction in the speed of modernization of training\upbringing and their ecosystem is considered to be the main one that determines destructive processes in modern educational space of Russia. Their ecosystem contains external conditions which condition doesn’t always allow to construct the changes necessary for educational breakthrough. Due to this fact, education management is characterized multipolarity of concepts and needs the synthetical construction based on the common goal of education. If we speak about personality formation, than currently we assume that requires, interests and motives to the process and organization of the «structure» of the main actors of educational interactions such as Government, civil society, family, individual, and business sector differs to antagonism extent. The authors believe that further development and optimization of educational interactions are possible only in case of «concentration» of these requests, interests and motivation on a personality