Optimal control of artificial sulfate aerosols usage to mitigate global warming
S.A. Soldatenko, R.M. Yusupov
St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 14-th Linia, VI, No. 39, St. Petersburg, 199178, Russia
Keywords: оптимальное управление, геофизическая кибернетика, климатический инжиниринг, модификация погоды, глобальное потепление, optimal control, geophysical cybernetics, climate engineering, weather modification, global warming
The optimal control problem for deliberate intervention on the Earth's climate system is considered with the aim of stabilizing the global surface temperature. The deliberate intervention is implemented via the controlled radiative perturbation created by artificial aerosols injected into the stratosphere. The controlled object is described by a two-component energy balance model, subject to radiative exposure, caused by an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Anthropogenic impact on the climate system is specified in accordance with the RCP scenarios, as well as with 1% per year increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide scenario. The albedo of the artificial aerosol global layer represents the control variable. The optimal control and the corresponding phase trajectory of the climate system are obtained analytically using the Pontryagin’s maximum principle. The approach discussed in this paper can be considered as a basis for developing scenarios for deliberate intervention on the climate system using various geoengineering methods.