Experimental estimation of frequency-contrast characteristics of active pulsed TV OES under conditions of enhanced aerosol medium turbidity
V.V. Belov1, Yu.V. Gridnev1, V.V. Kapustin2, V.S. Kozlov1, A.N. Kudryavtsev1, M.I. Kuryachy2, A.K. Movchan2, R.F. Rakhimov1, M.V. Panchenko1, V.P. Shmargunov1
1V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 1, Academician Zuev square, Tomsk, 634055, Russia 2Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, 634050, 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: активно-импульсные телевизионные ОЭС, помеха обратного рассеяния, лабораторные эксперименты, качество изображения объектов, частотно-контрастные характеристики, миры, рассеивающие и поглощающие среды, active pulsed TV OES, backscattered noise signal, laboratory experiments, quality of object imaging, frequency-contrast characteristics, miras, scattering and absorbing media
Results of laboratory experiments on the study of the influence of scattering and absorbing media on the quality of object imaging with active pulsed TV OES are discussed. It is shown that the quality of object imaging with active pulsed vision system or its frequency-contrast characteristic can be estimated by direct measurements or indirectly using the Fourier transforms of test object images or the derivatives of the functions derived experimentally. Previously formulated theoretical statement that the quality of images of objects screened by turbid media made with active pulsed OES with selection of backscattered noise signals can be almost 10 times better than that for the OES operated with laser side illumination and constantly opened receiver has been confirmed experimentally.