Tuva Turns to the Monothern Region: Risks and Prospects
I. S. Tarbastaeva
Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS
Keywords: моноэтнизация, сокращение этнокультурного многообразия, миграция русских, межэтнические отношения, русский язык, традиционная культура, Мonoetenization, reduction of ethnocultural diversity, migration of Russians, interethnic relations, Russian language, traditional culture
The article raises the problem of reducing ethno-cultural diversity in the Republic of Tyva. Data are given that attest to the migration outflow of the Russian population outside the region. It is shown that the factors contributing to the monoetinization of the republic include the economic backwardness of the subject, the unsatisfactory social state of the Russians who are in the status of an ethnic minority. It is concluded that monoetanization has an unfavorable effect on the titular ethnos. In particular, the reduction of interethnic cooperation on a professional basis hinders the enrichment of Tuva residents with the skills necessary for the effective conduct of economic activity in modern conditions. Regional authorities recognize the current situation as unfavorable, and take non-standard solutions for its correction. Positive factors include the feeling of pride of Tuvinians for preserving traditional culture, the possibility of developing ethnoeconomics.