Ethnoeconomics in Action: the Experience of Tuva and Altai
S. A. Madyukova, O. A. Persidskaya
Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS
Keywords: этнос, этнокультура, этноэкономический уклад, эрзац, неотрадиционализм, Ethnos, ethnoculture, ethnoeconomic structure, ersatz, neotraditionalism
The potential of the ethnoeconomic structure for the development of models of regional economies, as well as the specific forms and practices of ethnoeconomical non-traditionalism in the life activities of the ethnic groups of the Republics of Tyva and Altai are considered. Specific ethno-cultural traditions and traditional management of Tuvinians and Altaians are considered, on the one hand, as resources of increase of the economic stability of the regions. On the other hand, analysis of the forms of non-traditionalism allowed to record such non-traditional trends as the rationalization and commercialization of the traditional, the tendency to replace the authentic culture with ersatz forms. Specific spheres and mechanisms of monetization of traditional are revealed: ethnotourism and traditional nature management, ethno-cuisine and ethno-fashion, throat singing as a brand and low competitiveness of national languages.