The Ethnic Culture and Economy: Synergy Opportunities
Yu. V. Popkov1,2, E. A. Tiugashev3
1Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS 2Novosibirsk State Technical University 3Novosibirsk National Research State University
Keywords: этнос, этническое разнообразие, этнокультура, этноэкономика, этническая экология, антропоэкология, межэтническое сообщество, Ethnic group, ethnic diversity, ethnic culture, ethnic economics, ethnic ecology, anthropo-ecology, interethnic community
The article presents an overview of the conceptual prerequisites for the study of the relationship of ethno-cultural diversity with the social mechanisms of economic life. It highlights the ideas of classical political economy on the subject with the emphasis on “nation-centeredness” that establishes the defining influence of climatic conditions, type of economy, cultural specifics and features of national character of the population on the economic specialization of nations. Ethno-cultural diversity is viewed as an additional economic resource. It also singles out the ecological and economic concepts of stability and productivity of ecological communities, which are used to interpret the role of ethno-cultural diversity in the socio-economic development of interethnic communities and ensure their social stability and economic productivity. The analysis of the geographically localized economy as an interethnic community allows to conclude that ethno-cultural diversity has a beneficial effect on the economic development and interethnic relations, provided successful integration of other non-ethno-cultural groups into the host community is achieved.