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ECO journal (ECOnomics and industrial Engineering)

2018 year, number 3

To the Issue of the Russian Railway Transport Management Model Improvement

S. A. Bykadorov1, Ye. B. Kibalov2
1Siberian State Transport University
2Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS
Keywords: структурная реформа, ОАО В«РЖДВ», концепция, государственное регулирование, конкуренция, вертикальное расщепление, стратегия двойного назначения, казенная эксплуатация, Транссиб, естественный монополизм, Structural reform, JSCo “RZD”, concept, state regulation, competition, vertical splitting, strategy of a dual purpose, state operation, Trans-Siberian Railway, natural monopolism


In article Structural reform of railway transport of Russia realized within the last 20 years is synthesized descriptive and standard approaches to the analysis of the large-scale institutional project. Quantitative indices and the qualitative expert judgments testifying to ambiguity of results of long-term reforming are given. The conclusion is drawn that Reform did not lead to transformation of the railways of Russia into an effective remedy of transformation of industrial economy where they were rather effective, in modern high-speed hi-tech transport communication, congruent to the future society of the knowledge, identified today with digital economy. Offers on the content of options of the further reform development and the mechanism of its management are formulated.