Poverty of Disabled People and Households
R. R. Khasanova, A. O. Makarentseva
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Keywords: инвалидность, домохозяйство, бедность населения, бедность инвалидов, бедность домохозяйств с инвалидами, Disability, household, poverty of population, poverty of disabled, poverty of households with disabled
Our findings evidenced that the poverty level of disabled people is remain to be high despite the government policy regarding poverty and disability. Usually, not only disabled people but households with disabled individuals have high level of poverty. If one of the household’s members is disabled, the probability for household to be in the group with the income below poverty line increases dramatically. It is because majority of disabled people (in employable and childhood age groups) are members of households with three and more members. Households with one or two members have lower level of poverty than households with three and more members, particularly, in comparison with households with disabled persons. The probability to be in the group with income below poverty line is 30% for disabled people in employable age from households with three and more members. Often, households with four members have children that increase the probability to be in the group with income below poverty line. The data derived from surveys is shown that the main disadvantage of Russian government policy related to social care for disabled people is almost fully neglecting specific needs of different disabled groups. Existed payments are oriented to individual recipients of social support rather than whole households.