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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 1


V. N. Makarova, Iu. V. Grishina, S. Iu. Bubnova
Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev, Russian Federation, Orel
Keywords: дополнительное образование, образовательная программа, модуль, индивидуальная образовательная траектория, компетенции, further training, educational program, module, individual educational route, competences


Further training of children represents unique sociocultural institute where innovative component is defined as one of prior problems of modern educational policy. The idea of target oriented training of teachers of a new formation for the system of further training has arisen and became a real call of time in connection with development of the program state document - «Concepts of children’s further training development till 2020» and also the professional standard «Further Training Teacher of Children and Adults» imposes new requirements to knowledge, abilities and labor actions of experts. Their readiness for use and creation of innovations, existence of skills of development of innovative projects and programs, participation in team building become key expectations from further training teachers. The change of the mission, functions and mechanisms of activity of the further training teacher demands creation of process of his vocational training according to the standards of the third generation in the form of through metasubject modules as systems of educational and research tasks and the professional focused projects. Results of design of the modular master program aimed at training of the additional education teachers capable to realize the modern educational programs focused on development of an initiative, independence and creativity of children are presented in article. Special attention is paid to the principles and logic of the organization of educational process, specifics of creation of the modu lar educational program and individual educational trajectories of students.