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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 1


N. B. Strekalova1,2
1Togliatti Academy of Management, Togliatti, Russia
2Samara State University, Samara, Russia
Keywords: самостоятельная работа студентов, образовательные риски, управление, independent work of students, educa-. tional risks, management


Informatization of the society and integration processes, the need for professionals able to carry out professional activity in the global network, to improve their professional competence and to self-learn throughout life, lead to the change of educational paradigm, the increase in the activity of the learner, emphasizing independent work of students, the development of non-contact forms of training and transfer of training process in the Internet. Global educational space is accompanied by the emergence of risks of different nature, affecting the quality of education. The identification of potential educational risks, establishing their impact on the quality of training and subsequent pre-emption negative effects of be based on approach, which is a technology mediated management of educational processes. As one of the main forms of educational process, students individual work requires special attention to its quality. In modern conditions the implementation of the educational process the subject of students’ individual work there are huge arrays of information, and instrument processing - global network technology. The implementation of students’ individual work is accompanied by technological, organizational, methodological, communicative and health risks. Carried out pilot studies have confirmed the essence of independent work (information and research activities), the impact of the lack of time and personal disorganization on the quality of its performance (organizational risks), the need for pedagogical assistance (methodological risks) and the complexity of remote communication with the teacher (communicative risks). To ensure the quality of independent work of students proposed in the article: the management triad of interrelated management processes mediated pedagogical management, student government, joint management of students and teachers; designed with international standards of ISO system of quality management of independent work of students.