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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 1


K. K. Begalinova1, M. S. Achilova2
1Kazakh national university named after al-Pharaby, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
2Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Keywords: рыночные отношения, профессиональное образование, политехническое знание, компетентность, конкурентоспособность, социализация, квалификация, market relations, professional education, polytechnical knowledge, competence, competitiveness, socialization, qualification


The article raises issues of modern professional education in the Republic of Kazakhstan through the prism of competitiveness. It is emphasized that in the conditions of market relations, tough competition, professional education must meet the requirements of the time. Professional orientation is a guaranteed work tomorrow. The authors emphasize that a transition from a cost system to a contractual method is necessary, which will increase the level of motivation of students in choosing a profession and training, raise the ratings of universities, since the competitiveness of graduates depends on which higher education institution they graduate from. Attention is also drawn to the problems of consumerization of education, differentiation and integration of scientific knowledge, exteriorization, etc. The current content of the concept of “professional education” is opened, filling it with a new meaning caused by the development of new technologies and the widespread use of computer information technology. Today, vocational education is the most targeted way of socializing a person, since it involves not only obtaining general, secondary, higher education (bachelor’s, master’s), but also mastering the knowledge and skills of a particular profession.