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Professional Education in the Modern World

2018 year, number 1


I. A. Pfanenshtil, M. P. Yatsenko
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: информационные технологии, отечественное образование, мировоззрение, духовные ценности, профессиональная деятельность, национальная безопасность, information technology, national education, worldview, values, professional activity, national security


This article explores the informational factors that influence education. The authors focus on the managerial aspects of education and analyze the factors based on modern information technologies, which play an essential role in the process of understanding the different concepts of national education development. The authors highlight not only the positive effects of information technologies in educational process, but show that information technologies influence the formation of new education management framework. Professionalism of graduates depends on this fact as well as their ideological installation. The authors conclude that information technologies optimize the management mechanisms in the educational system and create conditions for education globalization on new higher level.