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ECO journal (ECOnomics and industrial Engineering)

2018 year, number 1

The Problem of Incentive Mechanism in the System of Public Procurement

D. S. Khvalynskiy
Altai State University
Keywords: закупки для государственных нужд, эффективность закупки, закон № 44-ФЗ, экономия бюджетных средств, контрактная система, Public procurement, the effectiveness of the auction, the law No. 44-FZ, budget savings, the contract system


The paper considers the problems of incentives in the system of public procurement, analyses game-theoretic models of incentives in the real functioning of the public procurement system. The results of the study suggested the introduction of the system of public auctions with financial externalities, in which the losing bidder will prefer the smallest revenue of the winner. The author’s proposed approach can be used in the process of improving procurement procedures for state and municipal needs.