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ECO journal (ECOnomics and industrial Engineering)

2018 year, number 1

Is it Possible to Join В«Space of Oil’ and В«Oil in Space»

Yu.K. Shafranik1, V. A. Kryukov2,3
1LLC В«Souyzneftegaz»
2Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS
3National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: углеводороды, пространственное развитие, вертикально интегрированные компании, инновационные малые и средние компании, восток России, Нydrocarbons, spatial development, vertically integrated companies, innovative middle and small companies, East of Russia


Russia’s oil-and-gas sector development has its unique features, determined not only by resources potential but substantial influence of spatial factor. Knowledge-based and innovative middle and small companies are having better prospects in an earlier developed regions while new areas development better suits to the big vertically-integrated companies which have to play leader’s role.