Electromagnetic radiation attenuation in wet aerosols at low temperatures in the microwave range
A.O. Orlov, A.A. Gurulev, S.D. Krylov, S.V. Tsyrenzhapov
Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, 672014, Chita, ul. Nedorezova, 16а
Keywords: микроволновый диапазон, переохлажденная вода, аэрозоль, коэффициент затухания, microwave range, supercooled water, aerosol, attenuation coefficient
Measurements of the attenuation of electromagnetic radiation in supercooled water in the wavelength range from 0.2 to 3.0 cm with its supercooling to a temperature of about -70 °C are performed. Nanoporous materials were used to achieve deep supercooling. In such materials, the properties of pore water are close to those of bulk water. The measurements made it possible to derive a formula for the attenuation coefficient of supercooled water at temperatures below -30 °C. With the use of new data, calculations of the linear attenuation of electromagnetic radiation in the millimeter wavelength range at low temperatures for wet aerosols with small electromagnetic losses of the particle material were performed.