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Professional Education in the Modern World

2017 year, number 3


V. I. Parshikov1, Iu. V. Tabakaev2, N. N. Krasnova2, K. A. Kuzmenko3
1Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, the Russian Federation
2Gorno-Altaisk State University, Gorno-Altaisk, the Russian Federation
3Altayskaya Kraevaya kollegiya Advokatov, Barnaul, Russian Federation
Keywords: трансформационные (переходные) процессы, права человека, трансформация прав человека, юридическое образование, transformational (transitional) processes, human rights, human rights transformation, legal education


Rapid social, scientific and technological progress interfered moral values of many people, natural and technogenic conditions of people’s lives in XIX century and especially in the XX-XXI centuries. The authors observe contradictory processes seen as huge transformation of human place and role in the world. The authors highlight socio-cultural shocks in many cases due to human’s failure in social and natural endeavors. . Many questions related to the problem of human rights and freedom transformation and about the matters what could be done and not arise. There are various variants of human legal concepts that cause not only approval, but also people’s rejection. The article shows specific period or stage of international legal consciousness and law due to the conditions of socio-legal insecurity when people don’t know their rights and duties. This period is famous for marking such a legal branch as international human rights. On the one hand, these international legal innovations should ensure conflicts detention in the mentioned legal sphere. On the other hand, it is this field where the authors see contradiction among socio-cultural legal traditions that existed before and differed with each other from region to region. Human rights concepts at the international level have led to many conflicts in comparison with those in the traditional legal systems of states and rendering human rights. All mentioned above has determined growing transformational processes of human rights at the national and international levels. The authors the current problem of social transfer, or social transformations, in the field of human rights.