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Journal of Mining Sciences

2017 year, number 4

Rebellious Gold Extraction from Gravity Concentrates and Placer Tailings by Chemical Reagents

Institute of Mining, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Turgeneva 51, Khabarovsk, 680000 Russia
Keywords: техногенные россыпи, вторичная переработка, “упорное” золото, концентрирование золота, гидрофильность золота, химический реагент, амальгамирование, mining waste, secondary treatment, rebellious gold, gold concentration, hydrophilic property of gold, chemical reagent, amalgamation


When gold occurs in mining waste for a long time, it becomes coated with dense films of hydroxide of iron, manganese, copper and silver sulfides, hydromica powder and clayey particles, which greatly complicates concentration of such gold by gravity. An efficient method to remove such coatings from gold is treatment of waste using chemical reagents based on halogen-containing compounds. The article presents experimental results on extraction of fine gold from tailings of sluice boxes and dredging classifiers using such chemical reagents.