Part of Physical Adsorption in Flotation
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
Keywords: флотация, ксантогенаты, химическая и физическая формы сорбции, критерий выбора реагента собирателя, поверхностное давление, flotation, xanthates, physical and chemical adsorption, collecting agent selection criterion, surface pressure
The authors analyze collecting capacity of desorbable species of xanthates. Desorbable species of a reagent are understood as the species capable to transfer from mineral particle to air bubble, i.e. to gas-liquid interface, at the moment of rupture of an interlayer between these interacting objects. Flotation process performance is evaluated at the presence of a mixed coating resulting from physical and chemical adsorption and in the presence of a chemosorption coating only. The rates of spreading products of interaction between butyl ethyl xanthates and lead nitrate over water surface are found. The spreading rates and collecting capacities of the mentioned reagents are correlated. It is found that an increase in the length of the hydrocarbon fragment increases collecting capacity of a reagent and the rate of spreading of its products over water surface.