Variation in Energy and Production Data of Pneumatic Percussive Machines in the Uplands
Kyrgyz-Russia Slavic University named after B.N. Eltsin, ul. Kievskaya 44, Bishkek, 720000
Keywords: двигатель, компрессорная станция, пневматическая ударная машина, разрушение пород, высокогорье, атмосферное давление, коэффициент полезного действия, производительность, энергоемкость, motor, compressor plant, pneumatic percussive machine, rock breakage, uplands, atmospheric pressure, efficiency, productiveness, energy intake
Under study is a production system composed of a power motor, compressor, pneumatic percussive machine and a treated medium. Based on the generalized theoretical and experimental data, the author relates productiveness of pneumatic percussive machines, energy intake of rock breakage in the uplands with the rare atmosphere and elevation of the machine work site above sea level. The obtained results offer a reason-why approach to selection of the pneumatic percussive machine parameters for operation in the uplands.