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Journal of Mining Sciences

2017 year, number 4

Analysis of Two-Phase Gas-Water Flow in Carbonate Reservoirs

1Institute of Porous Flow and Fluid Mechanics, Langfang, Hebei, 65007 China
2Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Leninskii pr. 65, Bld. 1, Moscow, 199991 Russia
3Beijing Huanqiu Contracting & Engineering Corp., Beijin, China
Keywords: карбонат, поровый, трещинный и каверновый типы коллектора, относительная фазовая проницаемость в системе "вода - газ", индикаторные кривые, carbonate rock, matrix pore type, fracture type, solution cave type, gas-water relative permeability, inflow performance relationship


Gas-water relative permeability (GWP) is measured in the tests of full-diameter cores. Based on the obtained GWP curves, the standard normalized curves are plotted for three types of carbonate reservoirs: matrix pore, fracture and solution pore. The corresponding gas and water two-phase flow model was deduced by considering stress sensitivity and non-Darcy effect, and the IPR curve calculation and analysis of gas wells of the three types were carried out. Based on huge gap between the matrix and fracture permeability, the phenomenon of gas drive water mainly exists in the cracks. So the conventional gas-water relative permeability of fractured gas reservoirs was modified. The research will lay the foundation for the application of gas reservoir engineering calculation with the production and application of numerical simulation technology to make dynamic forecast.