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Professional Education in the Modern World

2017 year, number 2


P. V. Menshikov1,2
1Kaluga State University named after K. E. Tsiolkovskiy, Kaluga, Russia
2Institute of Psychology, Kaluga, Russia
Keywords: учебное взаимодействие, характеристики учебного взаимодействия, образ обучающего воздействия, educational communication, characteristics of educational communication, image of educational influence


The article is dedicated to the analysis of educational communication. The author considers such characteristics of educational interaction as content-related, structural and organizational, reflexive, temporal and topological, interactive, individual and psychological. The content-related part of educational interaction assumes didactic content that mediates communication between a teacher and a student. The structural and organizational part specifies concrete forms of educational interaction. The article focuses on the reflexive component that reveals teacher’s and student’s self-perception of educational interaction that influences the process of their didactic communication. Temporal and topological characteristic considers the conditions of time and space when educational interaction is carried out. Interactive feature deals with the procedural aspect of educational interaction. Individual and psychological features outline the impact on educational interaction caused by personal values of the participants. The author suggests considering educational interaction as a process that takes into account Variable “the way of educational impact”.