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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2016 year, number 6

Influence of Plants on the Methane Cycle in Sediments and Rhizosphere Soils

Institute of Earth Sciences Southern Federal University, 344090, Rostov-on-Don, R. Zorge str., 40
Keywords: растения, филосфера, ризосфера, метан, образование, окисление, эмиссия, plants, philosphere, rhizosphere, methane formation, oxidation, emission


The article analyzes and summarizes the literature data and own material regarding the influence of living plants on the formation, oxidation and concentration of methane in aquatic and wetland ecosystems, principally through the regulation of plants physical-chemical conditions of the rhizosphere soils and sediments, number and activity of microorganisms, as well as methane emissions into the atmosphere. In addition, the paper discusses the results of theoretical and experimental studies of the mechanism of aerobic, not microbiological formation of methane in plant filesphere.