Problems of Budget Sufficiency of Novosibirsk Megalopolis
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ac. Lavrentiev av., 17, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: мегаполис, Новосибирск, бюджет, бюджетные коэффициенты, устойчивость бюджета, методики оценки структуры бюджетов, megalopolis, Novosibirsk, budget, budget coefficients, stability of the budget, budget structure assessment techniques
The paper studies key fiscal indicators in cities with a population of over one million people and offers a technique to assess their budget and intergovernmental fiscal flows. With the said technique, the author calculates these indicators over the years 2006-2014 and assesses the structure of municipal budgets (considering both local tax and non-tax revenues and the dependence on regional grants). In addition, we examine the possibility to use budget resources in order to fund the main areas of municipal spending. The megalopolises in the Russian Federation have significantly lost their budgetary independence over the period of analysis. We investigate the stability of the budget for Novosibirsk megalopolis by applying the budgetary coefficients technique and demonstrate where Novosibirsk stands among the megalopolises of Russia and the municipalities of Novosibirsk Oblast.