Publishing House SB RAS:

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Region: Economics and Sociology

2016 year, number 3

Eco-Economic Models in the Mineral Resource Sector of Russia

1Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nedorezov st., 16a, Chita, 672014, Russia
2Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ac. Koptyug av., 4, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: механизм партнерства, задача целочисленного математического программирования, программа освоения минерально-сырьевой базы, Забайкальский край, partnership arrangements, integer mathematical programming problem, mineral resource base development plan, Zabaykalskiy Kray
Subsection: Environmental and Economic Issues of Regional Development


The paper considers the institution of public-private partnership (PPP) as well as its development level in the Russian mineral resource sector and investigates partnership arrangements as an effective government tool for assisting investors at the expense of the Investment Fund both in building the infrastructure and carrying out environmental measures in underdeveloped areas. In order to examine the properties of partnership, we designed special economic and mathematical tools that help effectively divide the costs required in mineral resource base development between the state and private investors. These tools are a combination of integer mathematical programming problem and a set of predictive models used to describe resource area operation processes. We demonstrate the technique in practice through the example of Transbaikal (Zabaykalskiy Kray), to which end we elaborate a development plan for a group of polymetallic deposits with the PPP mechanism and analyze the sensitivity of solutions to changes in its key parameters. The results of our numerical studies confirm that the mechanism is applicable to underdeveloped areas. They also suggest that, besides a well-thought-out approach to determining the scope of aid essential for infrastructure and environmental projects, it makes much sense to account for transaction costs since their level and structure affect the performance of both private investors and the state.