The Ethnic and Social Problems of Yakut Territories in the Power of Siberia Pipeline Construction Area
Yakut Scientific Center, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrovskiy st., 2, Yakutsk, 677980, Russia
Keywords: Якутия, газопровод В«Сила СибириВ», коренные малочисленные народы Севера, этносоциальное развитие, этнологическая экспертиза, Yakutia, the Power of Siberia pipeline, indigenous small numbered peoples of the North, ethnic and social development, ethnological expert review
The paper presents the ethnic and social characteristics of Yakut territories within the area affected by the Power of Siberia cross-border gas pipeline. The construction of the pipeline will have a multidirectional social impact on the regions inhabited by indigenous peoples of the North. We reveal the results of an ethnological expert review on the pipeline construction and outline the main problems emerging from the influence that industrial projects exert over the ethnic and social development of territories.