Developing the Knowledge Economy: the Role of Innovation Projects in the Regional Reindustrialization Program
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ac. Lavrentiev av., 17, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: Новосибирская область, инновации, наука, реиндустриализация, типология проектов, инфраструктурные проекты, государственная поддержка, риски, Novosibirsk Oblast, innovation, science, reindustrialization, project typology, infrastructural projects, state support, risks
The article shows the reindustrialization program as a means for strategic planning and organizing cooperation between innovation project participants. Here we prove that this strategic maneuver of the reindustrialization program and its innovations thrust will help to establish cooperation between scientific institutes, universities, and innovative companies and to create a demand for innovation since large businesses are not yet interested in innovative development. We define a skill set for main innovation actors in Novosibirsk Oblast, who are able to carry out innovation projects in order to develop the knowledge economy. In this article, we propose a reindustrialization project typology from the standpoint of the level and significance of issues to solve and their impact on region's economy; we determine flagship and infrastructure projects, projects of national, inter-regional and regional levels. We mark out some risks related to project implementation and methods to damp them in the course of the reindustrialization program through a combination of federal and regional support measures.