Organizing statistical research and system monitoring of the development of macroregions
1Federal Research Center В«Informatics and Managament», Russian Academy of Sciences, Prospekt 60-let Octyabrya, 9, Moscow, 117312 2Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nakhimovskiy av., 47, Moscow, 117418, Russia
Keywords: Арктическая зона РФ, макрорегион, мониторинг, статистическое наблюдение, стратегическое планирование, Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, macroregion, monitoring, statistical surveillance, strategic planning
Due to a certain practice to target territories incorporating one or several subjects of the Russian Federation as objects of state regulation, this article clarifies the definition of a «macroregion» and uses specific examples to show particular characteristics of a macroregion as an entity of statistical observation and monitoring. We analyze statutory enactments which govern the organization of public statistical systems and monitoring investigations. Through the example of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, we demonstrate the objectives and validate our recommendations on how to organize statistical surveillance and system monitoring of the current condition and development of macroregions.