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Professional Education in the Modern World

2016 year, number 2


T.A. Rakhimova, M.E. Savintseva
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Tomsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: бакалавриат, Болонский процесс, выпускник, рынок рабочих мест для выпускников, трудоустройство, Bachelor programme, Bologna process, graduate, job market for graduates, employment


The authors see the employment within the obtained specialty as one of the most important criteria used in the assessment of higher institution. Due to this fact, the authors observe the necessity in investigation this process as the changes in higher education cause the changes in professional activity after graduation. Germany is one of the leaders and initiators of Bologna Process and transition to the degree system of higher education. The experience of Germany is interesting and available for investigation. The criteria, determined by the German researchers, represent the views of employers, students and graduates. This allows considering the problem of employment in all aspects. The authors haven’t found the similar research with similar criteria in the national publications. The important data reviewing the opinions of employers, students and Bachelors are represented in the research of recruiting agency SuperJob, in the statistical report of Higher School of Economics of 2012 and online enquiry of the site "Anketer". The paper analyzes the research data of Russian and German scientists and highlights the measures on adaptation in the beginning of professional activity of Bachelors.