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Professional Education in the Modern World

2016 year, number 2


Iu. D. Ovchinnikov, O. G. Lyzar
Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Keywords: профессиональные компетенции, специализация, исследовательские лаборатории, биомеханика двигательной деятельности, исследовательская функция, professional competences, major, research laboratories, Biomechanics of movement, research function


The problem of implementation and adoption to the general cultural and professional competences in educational process is relevant today. The authors generalize the experience of dealing with competencies and consider their research functions. The paper focuses on dealing with a competency as a research laboratory in order to obtain the first research results of students. The authors developed, applied and published the laboratory guidance that consists of 10 works and includes all the topics of the course “Biomechanics of movement” for 2-year students). The article shows logical and competency-based approach in the development of subject technologies according to new standards in education. The research laboratory will help to explore interdisciplinary relations, the significance of the research material received and competency as a whole, extend the academic and research activity.