M. A. Logutova, E. V. Logutova
Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: образование, образование В«через всю жизньВ», обучение, самообразование, профессиональная среда, формальное образование, информальное образование, education, lifelong learning, self-education, professional environment, formal education, informal education
The strategic objectives of the educational system lies in the fact that it has continuously and tirelessly to develop, improving its work in the framework of the current and rapidly changing society, to prepare specialists of tomorrow, and this training should be advanced and influence the natural social processes, guiding them in a civilized way. Therefore, in our country there are constant changes in the education system due to the integration of Russian education into the world. One of the principles of democracy in education is the principle of equal access to higher education and postgraduate education for all citizens. It has therefore been shown a special interest in lifelong learning. The relevance of studying the system of lifelong learning is determined by the fact that in the emerging post-industrial society, the knowledge becomes the dominant value, really ensuring the development and competitiveness of the nation. The ability to obtain and use new information is one of the key factors that determine the role and place of countries in the world community. In this regard, in the field of modern science updated the problems associated with the lifelong learning of man as the Creator, carrier and transmitter of knowledge. The interest in lifelong education is an indicator of further development of system of lifelong learning.