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Professional Education in the Modern World

2016 year, number 2


N. V. Silkina, E. A. Pimenova
Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: дополнительное профессиональное образование, резерв кадров, подготовка резерва кадров в дополнительном профессиональном образовании, организационно-педагогические условия подготовки резерва кадров, further training, personnel reserve, personnel reserve training in the system of further training, organizational and pedagogical conditions of the personnel reserve training


The intensive reforming and restructuring of the economy requires considerable improvement of personnel quality, development of managerial competence of companies’ executives, and providing the personnel training in accordance with the objectives of the industry. Such training can be based on the intentionally designed programmes in the system of further training, which plays a major role in the lifelong professional learning of a person, ‘ensuring the compliance of his qualification with changing conditions of his professional activity and social environment’. The relevance of the research is concerned with the increased requirements of the users of educational services for the level and quality of professional training of modern specialists and future managers, with a trend towards the optimization of personnel potential in any sector of the economy. The paper investigates the managerial staff training based on competence-based approach. The author suggests the model of the personnel reserve training in the system of further training. The most efficient organizational and pedagogical conditions of the personnel reserve training, in particular, social partnership, methodological support and staffing are explored.