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Professional Education in the Modern World

2016 year, number 2


S. I. Chernykh1, V. I. Parshikov2
1Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2Institute of Further Training at Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: образование, корпорация, корпоративный университет, образовательное пространство России, образовательный менеджмент, coporation education, coporate university, Russian educational space, educational management


The authors see lifelong learning as one of the leading tendency in transition of the world community to the VI technological mode. Education through the whole life and education from the stage to the age are regarded as the fundamental principles of lifelong learning; they highlight the specific requirements to the tertiary education that includes effective corporate education. The publication opens the set of articles devoted to analysis of the aspects of corporate education development in Russia by means of the system, axiological and interdisciplinary approaches. The development of these approaches will be essential and useful for educational management weak points of which are noted in the research devoted to the problems of education. The article focuses on the authors’ statement that the modern development of education focuses on “institution - business-individual” and not on “nursery school - secondary school - higher institution”. The formal relations among the elements are defined by the foundation of sense, values and interests of elements. This approach changes the vector of educational policy and new organizational constructions of educational interaction. The authors see corporate university as an efficient organizational form.