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Professional Education in the Modern World

2016 year, number 2


N. P. Chupakhin, V. D. Pavlova
Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: смысл и пределы толерантности, общекультурные пространства и компетенции, культура Vista, the meaning and borders of tolerance, general cultural spaces and competences, Vista culture


The article builds the new model of tolerance in the culture of education according to the principles of free study. This model is based on the applied philosophy of Hessen. The culture of education assumes the individual cultural space of each person. The tolerance significance is revealed by means of Chupakhin’s meaning-making algorithm and Pavlova’s Vista culture needs and possibilities. The tolerance is based on the UNESCO Declaration and the preamble of the UN Charter. The authors define the axiomatic borders of tolerance by means of the ontology-based features of life mode, gnoseology and anthropological research methods of human origin. The paper estimates the significance of tolerance in educational culture within social, conceptual, spiritual and valuable parts of the human requirements. The tolerance potential is the key ethical principle of civil society that prevents from violence. Otherwise, tolerance does not belong to the culture when the anger condonation and invasion to the freedom and human merits are observed. The authors regard the meaning of perfect tolerance as the activity of moral, socio-political, ethno-cultural, economic and technological development of world society that has features of law, stability, freedom and patience. The Federal State Educational Standards of higher education highlight the following general cultural competencies of tolerant personality: the social culture implies adoption and conformation to the social laws and social mobility of the subject; the conceptual culture implies cognition process in grasping new knowledge and skills; the moral culture assumes cognition and preservation of moral values, self-identification of the subject’s consciousness and the adaptation in new environment; the According to the federal educational standards of higher education identified by the following general cultural competences formation of tolerant personality: social culture - the adoption and adherence to the laws of society, social mobility entity ; in conceptual culture - cognitive processes in general educational enrichment of new knowledge and skills; in spiritual culture - the knowledge and preservation of cultural values, self-identification and self-awareness of the subject of adaptation in the new social environment; the cultural items are the material support of a subject, foundation and usage of general material benefits included into the cultural competencies.