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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2016 year, number 2

Histopathologic Сharacteristics of Сoregonid Fishes under the Impact of Metal Industry

Institute of Industrial Ecology Problems of the North, RAS, 184209, Apatity, Fersman str., 14A
Keywords: сиг (Coregonus lavaretus), тяжелые металлы, Кольский полуостров, гистопатологии, биомаркеры, common whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.), heavy metals, the Kola Peninsula, histopathology, biomarkers


The results of monitoring studies of the state of the common whitefish ( Coregonus lavaretus L.) inhabiting the Paatsjoki River and several lakes of Northern Fennoscandia were presented. The water-collecting area is contaminated with copper, nickel and sulfur dioxide due to airborne emissions of the “Pechenganickel” smelter. The ecological situation near the smelter is characterized as very unfavorable and requires constant control over the state of aquatic ecosystems. We used histopathology of gills, liver and kidneys as biomarkers to diagnose the condition of sparsely rakered whitefishes. The changes of cell structure in the fishes were diagnosed and classified. The revealed abnormalities were connected with the long-term exposure of the studied water bodies to airborne contamination. The possibility of using the obtained to evaluate the water quality was considered.