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Philosophy of Sciences

2016 year, number 1


I.E. Pris
Fachhohschule Dortmund, 44263, 23 Unverhofftstr, Dortmund, Germany
Keywords: квантовая механика, проблема измерения, интерпретация Эверетта, реализм, прагматизм, контекстуализм, вероятность, рациональный выбор, правило Борна, правило/концепт, Виттгенштейн, quantum mechanics, measurement problem, Everett interpretation, realism, pragmatism, contextualism, probability, rational choice, Born’s rule, rule/concept, Wittgenstein


It can be argued that if we commit ourselves to classical realism and classical logic we are forced to adopt an Everettian interpretation of quantum mechanics. But we cannot adopt it without substantial philosophical and physical qualifications. Nevetheles the classical metaphysical realism can be modified. We suggest an interpretation of quantum mechanics within a Wittgensteinian contextualiste non-metaphysical realism, which is indeed a demystified version of the Everett interpretation. The quantum theory is a Wittgensteinian rule. The “gap” between this rule and a concrete result of measurement is closed pragmatically (the measurement problem is dissolved). The Everettian branches-worlds are possible (not actual) applications of the theory-rule. The suggested deduction of the Born rule from the deterministic part of quantum mechanics, the most general principles of rationality and the symmetry principles, in our view, means that in a sense the Born rule is implicit in the formalism of quantum mechanics taken in its application. A complicated theory of the Everettian interpretation of quantum mechanics, developed by David Wallace, is the price to pay for refusing to modify the doctrine of metaphysical realism.