A.Yu. Storozhuk
Institute of Philosophy and Law, SB RAS, 630090, 8 Nikolaeva str., Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: трансформация научного знания, становление парадигмы, стандартизация, унификация, transformation of scientific knowledge, development of paradigm, standardization, unification
In the course of the transformation of a scientific theory, there are changes that require unification and standardization of concepts, methods and procedures. Usually, the unification is nesessary at the stage of a paradigm formation when one of the competing schools begins to dominate while the other ones have to conform to it. During the unification, the theory undergoes changing, systematization and axiomatization, the diversity of statements is reduced to basic postulates. A unified theory gets a number of advantages including its increased flexibility and expanded area of its application also there are some disadvantages, one of them is the growth of a theory vulnerability because criticism aimed at the foundation of a theory weaken its state. We the last statement illustrate by an example taken from the history of mathematics. Disadvantages of the unification appear in science applications to practice as well, we illustrate it by examples too.