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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2016 year, number 1

Comparative Analysis of External Factors Affecting the Population of Wild Reindeer in Taimyr

1Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, UB RAS, 620144, Yekaterinburg, 8 Marta str., 202/3
2Ural Federal University nаmed after B. N. Yeltsin, 620002, Yekaterinburg, Mira str., 19
Keywords: Rangifer tarandus, популяция, п-ов Таймыр, динамика численности, факторы среды, антропогенные факторы, браконьерство, энергозатраты, Rangifer tarandus, population, Taimyr Peninsula, abundance dynamics, external factors, anthropogenic factors, poaching, energy expenditures


External ecological factors that have an impact on a population of wild reindeer on the Taimyr Peninsula were surveyed in the paper. The factors were estimated according to their influence on the abundance of reindeer in the population. The key factors were examined with relation to bioenergetics. In view of the potential resumption of anthropogenic influence due to further industrial development of Taimyr the population conservation strategy was proposed.