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Professional Education in the Modern World

2015 year, number 4


V. V. Nikolina1, A. V. Sharina2
1Nizhniy Novgorod State Institution of Further Training, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation
2Arzamas Commerce-Technical College, Arzamas, Russian Federation
Keywords: инновационное развитие, предпринимательская активность, процесс, развитие личности, innovative development, entrepreneurship, process, personality development


The article explores peculiarities of building students’ entrepreneur skills in vocational schools as a factor of sustainable economic development of the country. The authors consider people with up-to-date professionalism, managerial skills and economic way of mind to be the necessary ones for innovative breakthrough. These people have innovative mind. The vocational students must demonstrate applied professionalism, psychological resistance, creativity and ability for self-realization in the labour market. The authors make conclusion about solution of the problem, which assumes the government and pedagogical community being aimed at searching for new ways of increasing of people’s entrepreneur skills and particularly students’ ones. The authors suggest the unique model of building entrepreneur skills of students trained in vocational schools. The publication considers building of entrepreneur skills as process of student’s personality development in order to get values, skills and knowledge in the area of entrepreneurship and application of interactive methods, forms and means. The suggested model is based on modernization of vocational training and applying pedagogical potential aimed at building entrepreneur students’ skills. The authors highlight valuable and target component, substantial component, process component, technological and estimation ones. The model contributes to economic training and teaches entrepreneurship.