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Siberian Journal of Forest Science

2015 year, number 6

Problem of Chronobiological Cyclic of Movement of Forest Ecosystems Properties Communication 2

M. A. Proskuryakov
Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Timiryazev str., 36d, Almaty, 050040 Republic of Kazakhstan
Keywords: лесные экосистемы, хронобиология, цикличность движения, растения, климат, forest ecosystems, chronobiology, cyclic recurrence of movement, plants, climate


On the basis of generalization of materials of long-term research, it is shown objectively, steadily, continuously and everywhere manifested action of the law of cyclic recurrence of movement of all properties of forest organisms and ecosystems. The Action of this law should be considered, both in research and in use, conserving biodiversity, productivity and resource values of forests. For this purpose, the conceptual solution to a problem of cyclic analysis of spatial-temporal movement of all properties of forest organisms and ecosystems was proposed during climate change thus allowing forest management at lower costs and risks. This solution is based on chronobiological analysis of spatial-temporal movement of forest plants and their ecosystems. The peculiarities of task solution of ecologically ranked distribution of chronobiological permanent study areas were reviewed in this relation. The interpolation algorithms of their observation results were proposed in order to analyze localization coordinates and spatial-temporal movement of properties of forest organisms and their ecosystems. The possibilities of use of chronobiological analysis for assessment of cyclic changes of sensitivity, direction, velocity and value of transposition of forest organisms and ecosystems’ properties were shown. The proposed solution to a problem will increase steadiness and cost effectiveness of forest use during cyclic climate changes and will allow operating forestry at the maximum efficiency and at lower costs and risks under the highest natural productivity of forest ecosystems thus avoiding the areas of climatic adversities. In addition, this solution will help to observe reduced impact forest use and contribute to preservation of forests’ biodiversity in space and time of fluctuating climate. Likewise, it will contribute to development of new actual trends of theoretical and applied surveys. Among them are monitoring of coordinates’ movement of spatial-temporal localization of properties of forest ecosystems, their productivity and protection role; monitoring of coordinates’ movement of habitats with critical transformation of resource value and biological steadiness of forest ecosystems; analysis of cyclic movement of introduction results of forest organisms in new regions; development of reduced impact forest use and creation of new technologies allowing to mitigate adverse cyclic changes of productivity and biological steadiness of forests, their protection, balneological and recreation role. Development of these directions will reduce inefficient labor and time costs for restoration, preservation of biodiversity and forest productivity as the most important everlasting resource of the Earth.